Session 3 (Sep 24-30): The “I” – Seeking Simplicity Within Oneself
Essay (19 pages, pdf/3.5 mb)
Exercises (extract from main essay; 1 page, pdf/137 kb)
Chuang Tzu
Biography of Chuang Tzu (Encyclopedia Britannica)
The Way of Chuang Tzu (Burton watson, pdf/826 kb)
Henri Cartier-Bresson
Decisive Moment (YouTube video, 20 min)
John Daido Loori
Introduction to Zen Meditation: The Still Point (YouTube video, 10 min)
Stalking the Awakened Eye, an extract from The Zen of Creativity
Finding the Still Point (instructional booklet on Zazen)
Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
TED talk on "Flow" (20 min)
Powerpoint slides on "Flow" (pdf/1.2 mb)
Essay on "Happiness and Creativity"
General References
Photography as Meditation (Torsten Andreas Hoffman)
Tao of Photography (Philippe L. Gross and S.I. Shapiro)
Tao of Photography (Tom Ang)
God is At Eye Level (Jan Phillips)
Zen of Creativity (John Daido Loori)